Kazys Binkis Theater

Kazys Binkis Theater is the only amateur theater in Kaunas that has stood the test of time and order. 1936 At the then cultural club, an amateur drama troupe led by V. Bičiūnas staged K. Čaplikas’ play “Robots”. This year is considered the date of birth of the current theater. In 1939, the troupe was led by J. Miltinis. The “golden age” of the theater is associated with the director A. Kybartas and the artist J. Surdokas, when professional, famous performances in Lithuania were staged with young people who knew nothing about the theater. After the performance “Tamošius bekepuris”, the theater was named after Kazys Binkis.

Actors who started their creative activities in the theater: E. Žebertavičiūtė, V. Grigolis, R. Vaidotas, S. Jačėnas, A. Žekas, A. Kybartas, A. Stanionis, A. Jalianiauskas, G. Adomaitis and other now professional directors, actors, cultural workers. In 1972–1980, R. Štaras worked as a theater director and staged ten performances. Since 1995, R. Štaras has been invited to lead the adult troupe of Kazys Binkis Theater again. The creative life of the theater is inseparable from the traditional festival “Kaunas Ramp”, where every year the theater presents its premiere, invites other theaters to breathe the magical air of the theater world together.

Nida Vita Žilinskienė
+370 617 00650
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19 - Balandis
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